Our Investment In Maven AGI: Reimagining Customer Support with AI Agents

Our Investment In Maven AGI: Reimagining Customer Support with AI Agents

We’re thrilled to unveil Maven AGI, a reimagined customer support experience platform, emerging today with $28 million in financing from Lux Capital, M13, E14, Mentors Fund and participation from executives at OpenAI, Google, HubSpot and Stripe. 

At Lux, we search for founders who are constantly asking, “What sucks?” Great products are often the marriage of frustrating real-world experiences with new fundamental technologies that can transform reality for the better.

Nowhere is that gap between dreadful reality and potential quality wider than with customer support. Customer support experiences suck. All of us have expended time, energy and patience waiting for an airline support agent to change a missed connection, reading confusing and often out-of-date product support help pages, glowering at dead-end chatbot messages, and trudging through neverending refund requests. A bad customer support experience (as I experienced just last week) jeopardizes a customer’s loyalty to a product or service.

Worse, customer support experiences don’t just suck for customers — they are extremely costly for companies as well. The average support ticket for large enterprises costs $40 to resolve, and in some cases, can exceed $100 based on a product’s complexity and language needs. Support teams (often offshore) are under intense pressure to answer questions about complex products without the tools to respond to impatient customers looking for quick resolutions. In aggregate, enterprises spend tens of billions of dollars per year on enterprise support, representing a massive cost driver.

Enter Maven AGI: a platform to power all customer experiences with AI starting with customer support.

One of the things that appealed most to us about Maven AGI — and what we look for in AI application investments more generally — is how the best teams use AI to radically reimagine the product experience they can offer. Dumping an AI chatbot onto the end of a product workflow isn’t sufficient; instead, the best teams think deeply about user workflows and design excellent end-to-end products using AI as a means but not an end. With Maven AGI, we found exactly that: Maven can ingest any kind of structured or unstructured data while understanding user intent, all powered by agent-based technology under the hood to automate complex tasks and provide deep insights.

While few LLM workflows are functioning in wide-scale enterprise production today, Maven AGI offers a fully-automated, agentic experience that is model agnostic - integrating seamlessly with existing systems and working reliably in Fortune 500 development environments. Plus, it’s enterprise grade with SOC 2 and GDPR compliance that can handle with ease multiple modalities in over 50 languages while building off of existing data networks of past interactions and user needs.

Maven AGI didn’t just launch a chatbot, but also a smart help platform center, a support agent co-pilot, an action engine to power outcomes and many more with the vision of a truly autonomous and agentic AI system capable of human-level comprehension and logic across diverse business functions. 

Unsurprisingly, they’ve landed marquee logos of fast growing SMBs and major enterprises including TripAdvisor, HubSpot and Clickup who have already seen real results. At TripAdvisor, the company has seen best-in-class 90%+ resolution of support tickets while simultaneously cutting costs by 81%, dramatically improving customer support experience at scale. Maven AGI’s platform deploys within hours and integrates seamlessly with existing support systems, delivering value to customers from day one. 

Maven AGI is helmed by a really special team. Not only have they all known each other for 20+ years, they are all second-time founders with uniquely complementary skill sets. CEO Jonathan Corbin has a decade of experience leading sales and customer success teams at Hubspot as the Global Vice President of Customer Success & Strategy, after a career at Adobe. CPO Eugene Mann formerly led Stripe’s Applied Machine Learning efforts and OpenAI integration after several years at Google. Finally, CTO Sami Shalabi has two decades of engineering leadership and is a true talent magnet - previously he was a serial founder of several startups as well as engineering leader of Google News. In a matter of a few months, they have recruited a top-notch team of engineers and GTM leaders from Meta, Stripe, Google and more.

Maven AGI is just getting started and they are hiring for all roles. Sign up here for the product and apply here if you’re interested in joining the team.

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Grace Isford and Bilal Zuberi

Our Investment In Maven AGI: Reimagining Customer Support with AI Agents

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